In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from glob import glob
from soma import aims
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats 
import os.path as osp
from nilearn import plotting
from IPython.display import display_html, display_jpeg, display

/home/grg/jupyter/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)

Loading the data

In [2]:
datadir = '/home/grg/upf'
controls = sorted(glob(osp.join(datadir, 'Data/Control/s12*.nii')))
diazepam = sorted(glob(osp.join(datadir, 'Data/Diazepam/s12*.nii')))
rois = glob(osp.join(datadir, 'Data/ROI/*.nii'))
roinames = [each.split('/')[-1][:-4] for each in rois]

In [30]:
data = pd.read_excel(osp.join(datadir, 'Dades.xlsx'), header=1)

table_cont = []    
table_diaz = []    

# For controls first
for i, cont in enumerate(controls):
    line = []
    c =  # Loads the subject's image

    for j, roiname in enumerate(roinames): 
        roi =[j]).arraydata()  # Loads the ROI mask
        line.append(c[roi==1].mean())  # Gets the mean value over the ROI

# For diazepam subjects then
for i, diaz in enumerate(diazepam):
    line = []
    d =
    for j, roiname in enumerate(roinames):
        roi =[j]).arraydata()

In [29]:
pd.DataFrame(table_cont, columns=roinames).head()

LFC right_thalamus ROC CB LPC LTC left_thalamus CG RFC LOC RTC RPC
0 179.358994 186.699799 219.575668 180.775497 194.883606 177.751236 185.650955 211.669113 207.848938 211.366180 189.847733 208.110031
1 171.325226 148.514114 221.105530 176.712311 173.886871 168.469009 160.214767 188.369034 194.161224 213.974136 184.699905 175.787064
2 196.760956 187.048477 221.141190 172.515274 216.794312 193.338623 193.496536 221.980804 211.531433 230.271393 192.251266 211.688156
3 199.775345 188.935928 238.674820 174.658737 209.249725 189.484604 185.881027 228.031403 231.884216 235.167023 205.941284 223.173935
4 207.801010 183.258347 247.195282 181.636459 230.883118 205.805573 179.413315 236.425095 235.574280 243.522293 223.400970 238.598862

In [26]:
table = table_cont[:]
print len(table_cont), len(table_diaz)
roivalues = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=roinames)
groups = ['controls'] * 31
groups.extend(['patients'] * 31)
roivalues['group'] = groups

31 31
LFC right_thalamus ROC CB LPC LTC left_thalamus CG RFC LOC RTC RPC group
0 179.358994 186.699799 219.575668 180.775497 194.883606 177.751236 185.650955 211.669113 207.848938 211.366180 189.847733 208.110031 controls
1 171.325226 148.514114 221.105530 176.712311 173.886871 168.469009 160.214767 188.369034 194.161224 213.974136 184.699905 175.787064 controls
2 196.760956 187.048477 221.141190 172.515274 216.794312 193.338623 193.496536 221.980804 211.531433 230.271393 192.251266 211.688156 controls
3 199.775345 188.935928 238.674820 174.658737 209.249725 189.484604 185.881027 228.031403 231.884216 235.167023 205.941284 223.173935 controls
4 207.801010 183.258347 247.195282 181.636459 230.883118 205.805573 179.413315 236.425095 235.574280 243.522293 223.400970 238.598862 controls
31 163.051575 158.068573 191.719406 173.171509 163.455994 160.453979 160.256378 185.482498 186.323242 186.157883 175.077118 172.901855 patients
32 183.672501 178.068909 213.720749 170.943436 198.986069 181.608826 181.978516 205.605286 207.568832 209.636078 187.987305 198.357254 patients
33 147.552734 164.469803 188.526093 159.121475 161.353836 148.640457 160.614075 184.469742 172.435150 179.419586 160.928955 168.320023 patients
34 167.137741 181.582306 209.816757 157.065018 183.041168 163.135193 187.674652 194.217102 187.559280 200.215546 171.823303 180.024445 patients
35 158.228973 172.708038 200.012039 168.890778 173.728775 166.016052 172.897018 191.115204 181.449203 192.831467 171.918381 180.107162 patients

Converting values to SUV...

In [8]:
def convert(val, p, d):
    cf = 65.98
    voxel_size = .008
    nci_to_bq = 37.0
    val = val * cf / nci_to_bq / voxel_size
    val = val / (d / p)
    return val

In [39]:
ttests = []

suv_controls = []
suv_diaz = []
suv_controls_wb = []
suv_controls_wm = []

# Converting kg to g and mCi to nCi
weights_cont = data['Pes [Kg]'] * 1000.0
dose_cont = data['Dosi [mCi]'] * 1000000.0
weights_diaz = data['Pes [Kg].1'] * 1000.0
dose_diaz = data['Dosi [mCi].1'] * 1000000.0

for i, h in enumerate(roinames):
    # Converting values to SUV for controls
    a = np.array(np.array(table_cont)[:,i], dtype=np.float64)
    a = convert(a, weights_cont, dose_cont)
    # Converting values to SUV for diazepam
    b = np.array(np.array(table_diaz)[:,i], dtype=np.float64)
    b = convert(b, weights_diaz, dose_diaz)  

    # Computing t-tests
    ttests.append(stats.ttest_ind(a, b)[1] / 2.0)

In [40]:
suv_controls = np.array(suv_controls).transpose()
suv_diaz = np.array(suv_diaz).transpose()

Now what effects do we observe ?

In [43]:
pd.DataFrame(ttests, index=roinames, columns=['suv'])

LFC 0.396962
right_thalamus 0.210560
ROC 0.296078
CB 0.066951
LPC 0.443431
LTC 0.183824
left_thalamus 0.192545
CG 0.285838
RFC 0.432132
LOC 0.324266
RTC 0.354002
RPC 0.489626


In [44]:
def plot_data(suv_controls, suv_diaz, ylim=None):
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib
    matplotlib.rc('figure', facecolor='white')

    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
    pos_cont = xrange(0,len(roinames)*2,2)
    pos_diaz = xrange(1,len(roinames)*2,2)

    box_c = plt.boxplot(np.array(suv_controls), positions=pos_cont, patch_artist=True)
    for patch in box_c['boxes']:

    box_d = plt.boxplot(np.array(suv_diaz), positions=pos_diaz, patch_artist=True)
    for patch in box_d['boxes']:
    ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='lightgray',
    if not ylim is None:
    ax1.set_xticks(list(np.array(range(0, 2*len(roinames), 2)) + np.array([0.5]*len(roinames))))

    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.0015, 'controls', backgroundcolor='cyan', color='black', weight='roman', size='x-small')
    plt.figtext(0.80, 0.025, 'diazepam', backgroundcolor='pink', color='black', weight='roman', size='x-small')

In [45]:
plot_data(suv_controls, suv_diaz)

In [49]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
_ = plt.boxplot(np.array(suv_controls))

In [ ]: